My vision for Alienautics is to build a free to play episodic mmo game world like Warframe / Star Citizen. The current build of Alienautics has it’s first episode “Agent 33”. The next episode is planned as “Magma Overlord”. Currently the game is a paid (priced at $14.99) product. As the game matures with more content, I want to make the base game free and have the new content be published as paid DLCs. The game has a few different modes of content. Campaign levels are custom made storyline missions with cutscenes and boss fights. New campaign missions are added with DLCs and updates. The game has a Netflix style entertainment content delivery system to support the GaaS (Game as a Service) model for the Alienautics franchise.
The Freeplay levels in the game are semi-procedurally generated. They are designed by connecting hand crafted rooms with scrambled objects inside for cover, collectible, enemy etc and generated corridors. This technique is also used by modern TPS games like Remnant of the Ashes/Warframe. For the Campaign missions, locations are crafted manually. For Freeplay missions, levels are generated with rewards, enemy types and objectives to complete. After reaching higher XP levels, more locations on the map become accessible. Players can use upgraded weapons and accessories to explore these challenges.
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Characters are central part of the game experience. The game features a range of character customization options that let the player explore different gameplay styles and mechanics. Besides cosmetic differences, characters have unique special kill moves and each can handle their own special weapon type (heavy, light, steath). Character customization and upgrades are focused on empowering the player as well as being a viable monetization model.
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There are 9 different weapon types that unlock as the game progresses. The weapons look feel and play differently and also gives the game levels more replayability. Different enemy types in the game wield different weapons and interrupt the dynamics of the cover based tactics.
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Alienautics was designed around a modular framework that has a plug-in style feature development model. New features can be iterated and published quickly and efficiently. The framework integrates the launcher, the cloud backend and the game executable together to present a streamlined experience for the player base.
Below are the future development plans for the Alienautics franchise and Reality Gameware tools.
1. Custom Editor Tool
In further development, the level design process will be aided with a custom built level editor. The editor will be available as a free tool for the community to learn and share their own level designs in the Alienautics ecosystem.
2. Online Marketplace
Further development of the online portal for Alienautics and enable the players to buy and sell game items through the web based interface.
3. Multiplayer Tournament
Multiplayer features are planned after the 2.0 update at the end of 2020.
Author RxHv
Views 2115



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